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Before I met Dr. Patterson, I was young and lost and looking for some type of escape and stability. She recommended I go forward with following my heart and my dreams to join the military and she encouraged me through the process. I did it and the effect were draining but rewarding with my continuous effort and determination. I am thankful and at ease that I was able to accomplish what I have always wanted to do. Thanks #armystrong I am so excited! Thanks for all the help and encouragement I am thankful and blessed.  "SD"

Dr. Patterson has inspired me. I was basically to a point in my life where I was working on reaching my full potential and a since of wholeness within myself. What you recommended me to do to reach that level of wholeness within myself was for me to dig deep within myself and become more aware of my feelings, my thoughts, and my actions so that I can recognize things that prevent my growth. Dr. Patterson also recommend that I began to perceive life in the realm of my own perception and not the views and perception of others so that I can develop who I really am and my purpose for being. I have taken all the recommendation and by me doing so it has helped me to view myself and others in a whole new light. It also changed my perception from a negative outlook in life to a positive outlook in life. As of today, I feel like a brand-new person who can close one chapter in my life from a negative story to a positive outlook in life. I truly feel like a person who went from being in bondage for so long but can unravel the bandages which was preventing me from healing my old wounds now I feel free as a butterfly since working with Dr. patterson. Thanks for all your support and help. “TF”

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